1. WE BELIEVE in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as verbally inspired of God, and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and life. 2Pe 1:20; Eze 1:3; Jer 13:1; Ex 14:1,15,26; 16:4; Lev 1:1; 1Co 14:37; 1Th 2:13; 1Jn 5:10; 2Pe 3:2; 2Ti 3:16
2. WE BELIEVE in one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Old Testament intimates it: Gen 1:1 (with the name God in the plural form), 1:26; 3:22; 11:6,7; Isa 6:8. New Testament instructs it: Jn 14:16,17; Mt 28:19; 2 Co 13:14.
3. WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man. Jn 1:1-3,14; Heb 1:8; Jn 20:28 teach He was God and became man. Divine Worship: Heb 1:6; Phil 2:10. Human birth: Ga 4:4; Mt 1:18; 2:12; Lu 1:30-38; 2:1-20; Ge 3:15. As a man He became: weary, Jn 4:6, thirsty, Jn 4:7, and He wept, Jn 11:35.
4. WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died for everyone's sins according to the Scripture as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. 1 Co 15:1-8; 2 Co 5:14-21; Ro 5:1,2; 10:9,10.
5. WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into heaven and in His present life, as our High Priest and Advocate. 1 Co 15; Jn 20:20; Mk 16:19; Lu 24:51; Ac 1:9-11; 7:55,56; Heb 4:14-16; 9:24; 1 Jn 2:1,2.
6. WE BELIEVE in that "blessed hope," the personal, and imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are Pre-Tribulational and Pre-Millennial. Tit 2:13; 1 Th 4:14-18; Jn 14:3; Ac 1:11.
7. WE BELIEVE that man was created in the image of God: that he sinned and incurred not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in the case of those who have reached moral responsibility, become sinners in thought, word, and deed. Man made in God's image - Ge 1:26; 9:6. Image - shadow or figure outline. Likeness denotes the resemblance of that shadow to the figure. Not necessarily physical likeness. Man fell from innocence - Ge 3; Ro 5:12-19; 1Ti 2:14; Ge 6:5; 8:21; Psa 14; Ro 3:10-23.
8. WE BELIEVE that every born-again person has been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ, and therefore has the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Ac 1:4,5 (its prediction); 2:1-4. Today the believer is baptized and sealed at conversion permanently into the body of Christ,1 Co 12:13; Eph 4:4,5; 1:12-13.
9. WE BELIEVE in the security of all born again souls, meaning once really saved they are always saved and there is absolutely no way for them to lose that salvation, for it is Christ that keeps them saved. Jn 3:16,36; Jn 4:14; 5:24; 6:35; 10:27-29; Phil 1:6.
10. WE BELIEVE that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit, and thereby become the children of God. Jn 3:5,6,11; Ac 16:31; Ro 10:9,10; Jn 1:12; Ga 3:26; 4:4,5; Ro 8:16,17.
11. WE BELIEVE that every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has still an old sinful nature which wars against the spirit. Ro 7 (entire chapter, but especially vs 15-25.) 1 Jn 1:5; 2:2.
12. WE BELIEVE that Satan is an actual, spiritual being, "the god of this world," fallen from Heaven, whose realm is not Hell, but this Earth. He is the leader of fallen angels (demons) and is the enemy of God and of all mankind, the deceiver of the world, who will eventually be totally defeated and spend eternity in torments in The Lake of Fire. 2Co 4:4; Isa 14:12-17; Job 2:2; Eph 6:12; 1Pe 5:8; Rev 12:9; 20:10.
13. WE BELIEVE as for human authority in the church, the pastor is just the leader. He is not the ultimate human authority. Any major decisions that need to be made are brought to the church by the church leadership to be voted on. All other decisions are made by the church leadership.
14. WE BELIEVE that the Biblically prescribed financial support of the church is by way of free, sacrificial giving, and that tithing can be selected as a means of giving as well. 2Co 9:7,8; Nu 18:21,24; Mal 3:10.
15. WE BELIEVE that all that have truly accepted and personally received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are members of His Church around the World. We believe in accepting all believers for our LOCAL church membership by statement, letter, or baptism. Acts 2:47.
16. WE BELIEVE that speaking in tongues is not to be done in the church. 1Co 14:9,14-17,19-26
17. WE BELIEVE that every saved person is called into a life of separation from all worldly and sinful practices. 1 Co 6:19-2 Co 6:14-18; 1 Jn 2:15-17.
18. WE BELIEVE though not bound by the Judiastic law to keep the sabbath, not working on Saturday, (infraction punishable by death, Ex 31:14), realizing some vocations require work on weekends, we believe in the sacredness of the Lord's Day (Sunday) in commemoration of the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, to rest from common work and to serve/worship our Master. Mt 28:1; Jn 20:19,22; Ac 2:1-4; 20:6-7; 1 Co 16:2; Rev 1:10; Heb 10:25.
19. WE BELIEVE the only ordinances of the Church are Baptism by total immersion to picture a total burial with Christ, and the Lord's Supper, to be administered to all who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Baptism - Mt 3:15-17; 28:19-20; Mk 16:16; Ac 2:38,41; 8:36-40. The Lord's Supper - Act 2:42,46; 20:7, 1 Co 11:20-34.
20. WE BELIEVE as a Southern Baptist Church in supporting "The Lottie Moon" international missions ministry, and "The Annie Armstrong" national ministry. In addition we support the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.
21. WE BELIEVE God’s Word is the final authority on sexuality, gender identity, and marriage. God designed marriage as a lifelong covenant relationship between one man and one woman. Every marriage is permanently binding under God’s authority. Gen 1:26,27; 2:18,21-24; Mt 5:32; Mk 10:6-9; Ro 7:2,3; Eph 5:22-33; 1Pe 3:7.
22. WE BELIEVE in the bodily resurrection of both the just, and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved in Heaven and Earth, and the everlasting, conscious punishment of the lost. Job 19:25-27; 1 Co 15:51-58; Rev 20:11-15; 22:3-5. Mt 25:41,46; Mk 9:43-49; 2Th 1:7-9; Rev 14:11; 20:10.